AI & Content Marketing: Streamlining Content Ideation With ChatGPT

Discover how Growth Rocket’s content team was able to boost their creativity with the help of AI tools like ChatGPT. Learn best practices for using AI in content marketing.

Kristela Panesa
Kristela Panesa July 9, 2024

Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, has become a hot topic across several industries. From finance and banking to legal services, AI tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini are changing how we operate. 

One industry poised to receive the brunt end of the AI revolution is digital marketing. AI’s transformative power is set to disrupt the marketing industry at its core, ushering in a new era of innovation and efficiency. 

Traditionally, marketers take a lot of time planning and testing personalized campaigns. Content marketers, more specifically, spend hours on end creating high-quality, engaging content that their target audiences can enjoy. 

But what if ChatGPT can help streamline this lengthy process? 

AI’s ability to analyze and study large amounts of data can reshape every aspect of content marketing, from ideation to creation. Ultimately, it can make writing content much easier. 

Today, we’ll discuss how you can successfully combine AI and content marketing. 

We’ll walk you through the four different ways you can integrate AI tools into your content marketing strategies. We will also discuss best practices and real-life results from Growth Rocket’s content team, which has successfully incorporated ChatGPT into its daily processes. 

Read to learn more about AI in content marketing.

The Writer’s Conundrum

Truthfully, it’s difficult to discuss AI and content marketing without addressing the one question that everyone has in their mind: will AI replace human writers?

Most writers are worried about ChatGPT’s ability to replicate human writing and generate content at lightning speed. But the caveat is that it lacks the human touch that makes content engaging. 

Sure, ChatGPT can help you create hundreds of product descriptions in a few minutes, but can it also write a blog that resonates deeply with your audience and builds brand loyalty?

Try as it may, AI still lacks the critical ability to capture subtle nuances of human emotion, which is the hallmark of effective writing. 

Effective content marketing doesn’t just inform; it evokes emotions and sparks conversations. These areas are where human creativity shines the most. So, instead of seeing ChatGPT as competition, some content marketers consider it a collaborator. 

Data from eMarketer shows that 55% of marketers use AI for content ideation, highlighting its value in generating new concepts and strategies. 

Erica Santiago, a staff writer for HubSpot’s marketing blog, said she sees ChatGPT as a valuable tool for content ideation and topic outlining.

In a piece about her experience writing a blog post with ChatGPT’s help, Santiago explained that she would rather use it for developing blog topics, not generating blog posts. 

Santiago’s sentiments rang true for Growth Rocket’s content team. As content marketers, we understand that the industry is constantly changing. We must find ways to adapt and pivot so our team can stay on top of our game.  

AI & Content Marketing: Three Use-Case Scenarios

There are three different ways you can incorporate AI tools into your content marketing processes:


Personalization is one of the primary areas of content marketing where AI can be most useful. 

With so much information online, readers are constantly looking for content that truly resonates with them. They only pay attention to brands that speak directly to their needs and interests. 

Fortunately, ChatGPT can help you personalize your content by analyzing your target audience’s preferences. You can create a prompt that includes their demographics and similar information to help its algorithm develop targeted content. 

ChatGPT can also help you draft personalized headlines that will grab your target audience’s attention. 

Content Ideation

Coming up with unique and interesting blog ideas can sometimes be challenging. But the good news is that ChatGPT can help you save loads of time in content ideation

The tool can help you brainstorm new blog ideas based on your target audience’s preferences. You can also use ChatGPT’s responses to discover new angles or topics you’ve yet to discuss. 

Our best tip for content ideation is to experiment with different prompts. ChatGPT’s responses heavily depend on your prompts. The more precise they are, the better. So, test your prompts and tweak them as you go. 

Content Generation

Another aspect of content marketing that AI can improve is content generation. As mentioned earlier, ChatGPT can generate content within seconds, making it a perfect solution for short copies like product descriptions and social media captions. 

However, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t use ChatGPT’s responses without checking. There have been several instances where brands posted AI-generated captions that are similar to one another, like those highlighted in this Facebook post

Take the time to proofread any content you generate with ChatGPT’s help. Read it carefully and ensure that it doesn’t sound generic. Remember, though ChatGPT can write you a caption within a few seconds, its quality is not guaranteed. 

It would be best for you to work with a skilled writer who can collaborate with AI tools. Later, we’ll share other tips and strategies we used to avoid some of the most common drawbacks of using AI-generated content. 

Growth Rocket’s AI Experiment: Streamlining Content Ideation With ChatGPT

As part of an initiative to optimize our strategies, we incorporated ChatGPT into our processes late last year. 

Our team primarily focused on using the tool for content ideation. We started by creating different prompts and evaluating the results they generated. 

Once we created a database of prompts for different types of content, our team saw a significant improvement in our capacity to generate content. We were able to reduce our bandwidth by 50% without sacrificing quality. 

The time we saved in content ideation allowed us to focus on higher-level tasks, such as optimizing our existing content, developing data-driven strategies, and writing compelling content that resonates with our client’s vision. 

Learning Curves & Drawbacks

Our success with AI wasn’t without hurdles. During our first few months with ChatGPT, our team encountered several learning curves and drawbacks. 

Prompt Engineering

Effective prompts are the key to making the most of ChatGPT. Our initial batch of prompts resulted in generic, lackluster content that missed the mark. 

Some of the responses we got didn’t have the specific brand voice and direction we hoped they would have. So, we had to recalibrate. We fine-tuned our prompts and started including more specific elements like demographics, tone, and target keywords. 

By fleshing out our prompts further, we saw a drastic improvement in ChatGPT’s results. 

Quality Control

Another challenge our team faced was improving our quality control. Now that we can produce a higher volume of content, ensuring accuracy and maintaining editorial oversight have become even more important. 

As a result, we established a more robust quality control process. Our editors and writers carefully reviewed all AI-generated content produced for accuracy and adherence to our brand guidelines. 

We immediately revised any inconsistencies we found and implemented several other safeguards to prevent similar issues in the future. 

These measures proved highly effective. It assured us that the content we produced with ChatGPT’s help had the same level of accuracy and brand consistency as our human writer’s work.

Lack of Creativity & Originality

The last hurdle we faced during our first few months with ChatGPT was the lack of creativity and originality.

Over time, we observed similarities in ChatGPT’s content. The more we used it, the more repetitive phrases and predictable content structures we saw. 

This is a common side effect of using AI tools since these models are trained on massive datasets of existing content. So, to address this, we implemented a human-in-the-loop strategy.

This approach allowed our writers to use ChatGPT’s content as a springboard for their creativity instead of producing a finished product. They were able to supplant the human touch that AI-generated content typically lacks. 

Overall, ChatGPT empowered Growth Rocket’s content team. It allowed us to optimize our content marketing strategies and drive even greater results for our clients. 

Best Practices For Using AI in Content Marketing

Here are a few of the best practices we’ve developed that helped us get the best results from AI and content marketing:

Add Human Touch

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: AI-generated content lacks the human touch. 

Although AI tools like ChatGPT have made commendable updates to their language models, they still can’t capture the subtle nuances of human emotion and experience. So, instead of simply using what ChatGPT gives you, take the time to add a human touch to the content it generates. 

Add personal anecdotes and real-life examples that your readers can relate to. Aside from this, you can also add in your experiences and expertise. 

Google’s algorithm prefers EEAT-focused content, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. EEAT content is more likely to rank higher than other types of content. 

These strategies will help you bridge the gap between AI-generated content and a truly engaging reading experience. 

Tailor Your Content

ChatGPT doesn’t inherently understand your brand’s unique voice and tone. So, instead of relying only on your custom prompts, you must tailor your AI-generated content to fit your brand’s personality. 

Evaluate your content and check if it matches your brand’s style guide. 

If ChatGPT’s response doesn’t match your brand’s personality, you can revise it and add specific keywords related to your brand. 

Establish AI Guidelines

Guidelines are crucial to the ethical use of AI tools like ChatGPT. They help brands navigate the potential pitfalls of using AI and ensure responsible AI integration. 

Your guidelines should include provisions on maintaining accuracy, transparency, and originality. Incorporating these considerations into your AI guidelines will help ensure your content remains credible. 

Structure Your Content

Earlier this month, Google launched Generative Search, which provides AI-generated overviews of the search engine results page (SERPs). 

These summaries help users get a concise overview of their query. This new addition to Google’s search experience will significantly affect how users interact with search results.

That said, you have to structure your content in a way that entices users to read to the bottom of the page. Make readability a priority. If your most recent blog post has long text blocks, you can break them up using visuals, subheadings, and bullet points. 

Strategic structuring will make your content more user-friendly and engaging. 

Take Your Content Marketing Strategies to the Next Level

Despite the mixed reception they received, AI tools like ChatGPT have made positive inroads in content marketing. They have streamlined the workflows of content marketers worldwide, giving them more time to focus on high-level tasks.

However, it’s important to remember that regardless of how advanced technology evolves, it can never replace the creativity and human touch that breathes life into content. 

AI may excel at analyzing data and generating ideas but lacks the emotional intelligence and understanding of human experience necessary to connect with readers. 

The ability to tell moving stories, evoke strong emotions, and inspire action remains the heart and soul of effective content marketing. Tools like ChatGPT can only achieve this with the help of an experienced human writer. 

Take a closer look at the future of AI and content marketing by visiting the Growth Rocket blog

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